Wednesday, June 26, 2013

JA Scholarship Recipients

Two Shawano Community High School students, Griffin Monfils and Meredith Carlson, were among 10 statewide recipients of Junior Achievement of Wisconsin Scholarships.  Griffin and Meredith will each receive $2,000 to further their post secondary education.  Monfils will be a senior at Shawano Community High School this fall and Carlson will be attending UW Whitewater studying marketing and human resources.

Griffin and Meredith were honored at the June Wolf River Region Junior Achievement board meeting.  Pictured are members of the local JA Board of Directors and the scholarship winners:  Fred Ponschok, retired from SSD; Griffin Monfils, SCHS; Meredith Carlson, SCHS; Melissa Moore, Employment Options.  Back row: Brian Knapp, City of Shawano & SMU; Gale Blum, CRI; and Diane Heikes, Director of JA, Wolf River Region.